          批救災不力 藏人作家遭拘 【大陸中心╱綜合外電報導】青海玉樹強震善後工作尚未結束,卻傳出當地深具影響力的藏人作家扎加(Tagyal)因批評政府救災,遭強行拘捕。扎加除批評政府救災不力,也呼籲 民眾不要捐款以免落入貪污官員之手,遭當局指控「涉嫌煽動分裂罪」,23日將他從辦公室強行帶走拘捕,妻兒至今仍未獲准探視。http://tw.nex 小型辦公室 That so called 深具影響力的藏人作家扎加(Tagyal) should be killed immediately for the crimes of lie he committed so obviously. Because: 1. China Communist own the e 辦公室出租ntire Mainland China, there's no way to have American werewolves particularly slaved 貪污官員 2, "批評政府救災不力 " that sucking 深具影響力的藏人作家扎加(Tagyal)  not only committed the crime to act like God to know other's hot; bu 房地產t also committed "7.Sun.Pot.Ugly" crime, dare not 批 評 God "5.Chin" , dare not demand people "Tin.Ten.Mean", instead of lie of 批評政府救災不力.You the people that live under the lie of Democratic form need to know that China Communist own the entire Mainland China, they are 永慶房屋 the real boss in Mainland China, therefore, if you see any thing need to have room to improve, you are absolute welcome by China Communist to tell the top ring circle immediately and get immediate attention if you indeed see the better point and have better idea to help Chin 東森房屋a Communist to do better. They are not Democratic elected liars to fool you stupid bad ugly evil civilians to pay tax to feed those more powerful forceful famous richer than you. 貪污官員 is USA form of lie products, because you powerless helpless desperate civilians tax payers have no way to fight tho 台灣房屋se liars chained together in government in business in military, you either bend to their slavery or you have to ready to die like I am doing. That how even U.S.Military cannot have that dare to kill US liar Bill Clinton and his ass whore co-president Hillary Clinton. Tell those shameless cold cold hard American werewolves that they h 看房子ave no way to fool you with 貪污官員 to tool you to collapse Communist any more. Anyone dare use the name of 貪污官員 to attack China Communist, must be killed immediately. Because China Communist has no 官員, but boss. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------[報導引述美國哥倫比亞大學 藏學研究所所長巴內特(Robert Barn 新成屋ett)表示,扎加最近出版了一本藏文書《翻天覆地》,描述2008年西藏拉薩暴動事件是「藏人民族精神的轉捩點」,可能因此觸怒官方遭到逮捕。]No matter it called "May.Lead.Dow" in Taiwan, or 拉薩暴動 in 西藏, or 64 "Ten.Ann.Man" in "Bay.Jean", all American werewolves crimes of lie trying to destroy China like they done in East German and USSR. 扎加 出版藏文書《翻天覆地》,to sold out his writing to 廬山住宿 force American tax payers public funded libraty to buy his sucking lie to enlarge American werewolves money chain can tell that shameless cold cold hard 扎加 slaved by American werewolves to commit treason crime betray all good better best Chinese root, must be killed immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 廬山飯店  .

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